Mr. Sandy Ogg
“The capacity to lead in difficult times is a skill that is timeless in its value and is a necessity in today’s world. This capacity has its essence in true character, which is both critical and essential in order to lead decisively, perform confidently, and to inspire successfully in even the most difficult circumstances. Sandy Stosz, in her 40-year career as a Coast Guard officer, embodied and regularly demonstrated leadership qualities and principles that will never become dated. In “Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters” she brings these vital skills forward in a manner that every aspiring leader can learn from and use successfully every day. This book is a “must read” for leaders in all walks of life!”
Sandra Stosz
Sandy Ogg
Founder – and author, Grow: the CEO's Master Playbook for Coaching Value into Existence. US Coast Guard Academy Class of 1976