by Sandy Stosz | Mar 6, 2021 | Blog
Leading with Character: Authentic or Genuine? We’ve all heard or seen someone exclaim, usually with great conviction, “Leaders need to bring their authentic selves to work!” I cringe when I hear or read that. On the surface, it sounds good and everyone wants to be on...
by Sandy Stosz | Feb 26, 2021 | Blog
The Power of Perseverance Last week I launched my new blog, “Leading with Character.” Thanks to all of you who tuned in to read about “Doing Something Hard” and/or to comment on social media. I plan to blog once a week, and hope you’ll find a leadership nugget in each...
by Sandy Stosz | Feb 16, 2021 | Blog
Hello and thank you for visiting my website! This is the very first entry in my “Leading with Character” blog, and I hope you enjoy it. Do Something Hard I spent my 40-year career with the US Coast Guard learning about leadership and character development...
by Sandy Stosz | Feb 1, 2021 | Blog