by Sandy Stosz | Nov 23, 2021 | In the news
by Sandy Stosz | Nov 22, 2021 | In the news
Settle in this week for an incredible episode with a Thanksgiving story about the recall of a major cutter crew to rescue of the master of a 30 foot sailboat in a nor’easter hundreds of miles off the east coast. In this episode Vice Admiral Sandra Stosz (Ret.) talks...
by Sandy Stosz | Nov 3, 2021 | In the news
During this interview Sandy and I discuss the following topics: What brought her to become a leader in the US Coast Guard How she broke out her shell and develop her leadership skills Some of her leadership challenges that she overcame in her career The great...
by Sandy Stosz | Sep 27, 2021 | In the news
In Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass, Vice Admiral Sandy Stosz USCG (ret) draws upon her forty years of extensive experience and wisdom to provide tools that will help leaders reach their goals and succeed at every level. Character-centered, proven leadership...