Podcast: “Off the Stage” from the Hauenstein Center for Presidential Studies
Thanks for listening to our new podcast series, Off The Stage Podcast! Maddy Miller, media specialist for the Hauenstein Center, sits down with retired Vice Admiral of the United States Coast Guard, Sandra Stosz. Sandra is the author of Breaking Ice & Breaking...

Podcast: Journey with Lei
Admiral Sandy Stosz was the first woman to command an icebreaker on the Great Lakes and lead a US armed forces service academy. Sandy served for 12 years at sea, commanding two ships, and led large Coast Guard organizations during crisis and complexity. She finished...

Leading with Character: The Power of Being Different Part Three
Leading with Character: The Power of Being Different Part Three I’m on a roll with my theme, “the power of being different.” In my first blog on this topic, I presented the premise that instead of being a handicap, being different in the workplace can actually be a...
Insight Sharing: Trust with Noi Ha Nguyen

Lead from the Inside Out Podcast with Tammy Gooler Loeb
Passion Struck Podcast with Host John Miles
Vice Admiral Sandy Stosz on How to Become a Leader of Moral Courage. Vice Admiral Sandy Stosz shares why the world needs leaders with the moral courage to stand strong and steady. Leaders who are capable of uniting people in support of a shared purpose. Leaders who...

The Leadership Podcast with Jim Vaselopulos and Jan Rutherford

Perspectives from the Top Podcast with Host Chris Roebuck
EPISODE SUMMARY Vice Admiral Sandy Stosz has had an incredibly decorated career over the course of 40 years in the U.S. Coast Guard. Along the way, she’s broken down barriers and collected a long list of ‘firsts.’ This week, we speak with her about her perspective on...

The LeadUp Podcast with Mike Harbour
Episode 277 Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass On this episode of the Lead Up Podcast, Mike talks to Sandy Stosz, a retired coast guard who served for 40 years, with 12 years on seas. Sandy talks about her experiences with leadership in the coast guard as a woman, and...
Lead Up Podcast with Host Mike Harbour
Episode 277 Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass On this episode of the Lead Up Podcast, Mike talks to Sandy Stosz, a retired coast guard who served for 40 years, with 12 years on seas. Sandy talks about her experiences with leadership in the coast guard as a woman, and...