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Shannon Huffman Polson

“Vice Admiral Stosz's expansive addition to leadership literature considers both the tactics and the deep heart of leadership based on her forty years of service in the US Coast Guard, including as the first woman to lead the Coast Guard Academy. Stosz offers exceptional generosity of heart and spirit in a missive of leadership for a changing world. Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass is universal in time and situation, and invaluable to every leader navigating uncharted waters.”

Shannon Huffman Polson
Author of The Grit Factor: Courage, Resilience and Leadership in the Most Male Dominated Organization in the World

Sandra Stosz

Shannon Huffman Polson
Author of The Grit Factor: Courage, Resilience and Leadership in the Most Male Dominated Organization in the World

“Vice Admiral Stosz's expansive addition to leadership literature considers both the tactics and the deep heart of leadership based on her forty years of service in the US Coast Guard, including as the first woman to lead the Coast Guard Academy. Stosz offers exceptional generosity of heart and spirit in a missive of leadership for a changing world. Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass is universal in time and situation, and invaluable to every leader navigating uncharted waters.”