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Become the leader of character

others want to follow
In Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters, Vice Admiral Sandy Stosz, US Coast Guard (ret) draws upon her 40 years of extensive experience and wisdom as a woman directing mostly all-male teams in front-line leadership positions to provide tools that will help leaders, particularly those at the middle level, reach their goals and succeed. Character-centered, proven leadership principles emerge from Admiral Stosz’s engaging, personal stories that teach leaders how to find, and then become, an inspiring mentor; implement effective diversity, inclusion, and equity programs; successfully lead in an ever-changing environment, and much more.
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Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass

Leaders eager to make a difference by helping people and organizations be at their best will find Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters their go-to resource. Today, our nation is like a ship being tossed in tumultuous seas. The winds and waves of change have divided and distanced our society, threatening to wash away the very principles upon which our nation was founded.

Now more than ever, our nation needs leaders anchored with the moral courage to stand strong and steady against the battering waves that, if unchecked, could erode our core values. These inspirational leaders of character will unite people in support of a shared purpose by building the trust and respect necessary for organizations and their people to thrive.

Don’t miss this opportunity to become the leader of character others want to follow!


Sandra Stosz
"All leaders will face times of crisis that require navigating in uncharted waters. In Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass, Admiral Stosz draws upon lessons learned throughout her 40-year leadership journey to show leaders how to keep clear of shoal water and succeed by steering on their moral compass."

Robert Wray, Jr.
Rear Admiral, US Navy (ret.), CEO of BlueStar SeniorTech, and author of Saltwater Leadership

Sandra Stosz

Robert Wray, Jr.
Rear Admiral, US Navy (ret.), CEO of BlueStar SeniorTech, and author of Saltwater Leadership

"All leaders will face times of crisis that require navigating in uncharted waters. In Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass, Admiral Stosz draws upon lessons learned throughout her 40-year leadership journey to show leaders how to keep clear of shoal water and succeed by steering on their moral compass."

About the Author

Admiral Sandra Stosz started her career as a cadet in the third class to admit women at the US Coast Guard Academy. She returned over 30 years later as superintendent, becoming the first woman to lead one of the four US armed forces service academies. On her journey to the executive level, she often served as the first woman leading mostly all-male teams in front-line leadership positions, including command of two ships. To succeed, she summoned her core values to overcome adversity by building trust and earning respect as a leader of character in a complex military organization.