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Leading with Character: Have Faith

Last week I blogged about a topic I was inspired to address: being positive. I was pleasantly surprised by how that post boomeranged back to me with a barrage of of positive comments! It confirmed my sense that people are thirsting for ways to feel good about themselves, their lives, our country, and the world. And, it validated my belief that positivity is contagious!

Even as I wrote that blog, I had nagging thoughts that being positive is easier said than done. Every generation has its challenges, but it seems we’re going through a particularly difficult decade. It’s hard to be positive when one is stressed and fearful.

Faith Can Banish Fear
This week, I’ll offer a tool that worked for me as I did my best to forge ahead during trying times in my life and career. That tool is faith. A great leader, the reverend Billy Graham, once said “Fear can banish faith, but faith can banish fear.” In today’s climate, many people are fearful, which can lead to negative thoughts and attitudes. Yet if we have faith, we can overcome the fears and anxiety that keep us from being positive.

During the tough times we’re living through, we hear motivational slogans like “stronger together,” “moving forward together,” and “we’re all in this together.” To achieve those aspirations, we humans must have faith: faith in God if we believe, faith in ourselves, and faith in each other. That continuum of faith leads to a sense of purpose and strength as in “I can do this,” and “We can get through this.”

A Shared Sense of Purpose
Drawing upon the individual strength that we derive from faith in God if we believe and faith in ourselves, we place our faith in others to do their part and we reach out to help each other be stronger. There’s power in a shared sense of purpose and faith that together, we can see this through. Coming together in support of a shared purpose that everyone believes in creates a positive climate where people can envision a brighter future.

A Recipe for Positivity
Those who find themselves leading through challenges and crises can draw upon their faith to find the inspiration to be positive. Faith in God, faith in themselves, and faith in their people. A powerful recipe for positivity.

Look in the mirror. As a leader, are you helping your people find ways to banish fear and be positive, even during stressful times?

Please join me again next week for more on Leading with Character.

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