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Leading with Character: Discovering Our Self

Leading with Character: Discovering Our Self

Leading with Character: Discovering Our Self Have you been following the controversy over social media and how it impacts us? I find it intriguing. We Americans are living in a time of plenty, enjoying the highest standard of living (depending, of course, on how you...
Leading with Character: Diversity of the Mind

Leading with Character: Diversity of the Mind

Leading with Character: Diversity of the Mind For the past two weeks, I’ve blogged on diversity. I believe diversity is far broader than physical appearance. To reduce people to what they look like sells them short on the richness of who they are and how they think. I...
Leading with Character: Diversity of Experience

Leading with Character: Diversity of Experience

Leading with Character: Diversity of Experience Last week I introduced the first in a three-part series on different kinds of diversity. The first type is demographic diversity – what a person looks like. This week I’ll share my thoughts on the second...