by Sandy Stosz | Jul 3, 2021 | Blog
Leading with Character: Believe in Yourself and Others To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. – Ralph Waldo Emerson The Coast Guard excels at leadership development by providing motivated members...
by Sandy Stosz | Jun 26, 2021 | Blog
Leading with Character: Build Trust and Earn Respect Last week I proposed that every leader should develop a leadership philosophy. Over the next three weeks, we’ll explore each element of what worked for me. Engaged Leadership Build trust and earn respect Believe in...
by Sandy Stosz | Jun 18, 2021 | Blog
Leading with Character: Leadership Philosophy For those in highly visible leadership positions, a leadership philosophy is a powerful tool. It’s your perspective on what you believe makes a leader of character. Far more than a list of desirable leadership attributes,...
by Sandy Stosz | Jun 12, 2021 | Blog
Leading with Character: Model the Way Retention in the Coast Guard where I served for most of my life, is remarkably high. When asked why, the Service’s former commandant, Admiral Paul Zukunft explained, “It really begins with good leadership. Our leaders really,...
by Sandy Stosz | Jun 5, 2021 | Blog
Leading with Character: Strengths & Weaknesses As many of you know, this week I launched my book, Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters. The book is my way of giving back leadership lessons learned from experiences over my 40 years wearing...