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Leading with Character: The Power of the Pen

Leading with Character: The Power of the Pen

Leading with Character: The Power of the Pen My last blog, “Resolve to be Worthy,” ushered in the New Year. In it, I presented an alternative to traditional New Year’s resolutions. As most of my readers know, I served for 36 years in the US Coast Guard, a branch of...
Leading with Character – Resolve to be Worthy

Leading with Character – Resolve to be Worthy

It’s that time of year again—the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day when many people take time off to visit with family and friends. In my small family, celebration always includes food, and lots of it! I love deserts, so for Christmas week I made my...
Leading with Character – Recognizing Talent

Leading with Character – Recognizing Talent

Leading with Character: Recognizing Talent I recently returned from a weeklong vacation along the eastern seaboard of Florida. Walking the beach at dawn is among my favorite activities. The sunrises are spectacular, presaged by a slow radiance of color that rises...
Leading with Character-Self Control

Leading with Character-Self Control

Leading with Character: Self-Control Last week, for the first time in two holiday cycles, many of us broke free from our routines and took to the roads, rails, sea, and air to gather with family and friends and give thanks. Hopefully, most people tuned out the...
Leading with Character: Character of a Hero

Leading with Character: Character of a Hero

Leading with Character: Character of a Hero Last week, much of America took time to remember, reflect, and recognize the millions of veterans who have served our great nation. Many of them performed heroic deeds during their time in service, and we honor those brave...